Fall 2014 - 62775 - PA393K - Applied Microeconomics for Policy Analysis

Economic issues facing government legislators and administrators will be interwoven into the lectures including the politics and economic effects of agricultural price supports and payments to refrain from farming, minimum wages, limits to job entry and sales taxes. Concepts relating to international trade including comparative advantage, industrial organization theory, terms of trade and exchange rates will be discussed.

The financial crisis that intensified in September 2008 rocked markets around the world with effects continuing in 2012. The Great Depression has had dire effects on businesses and government. Massive unemployment followed. Basic elements of financial assets and their role in the allocation of inputs in the production of goods and services during this period will be covered.

Since the 1980s a major change in the pricing and quantity of financial assets has occurred with the massive domestic and international flows of capital funds and the extensive use of leverage. The severe crisis in financial assets in that began in 2008 and the ensuing Great recession will be discussed.

The subjects covered include the economic benefits and problems in several types of economic organization of societies from central control to capitalism. The benefits, recent problems and legislation associated with the corporate organization of businesses will be discussed. The microeconomic analyses of consumer choice, firm profit maximization under competitive and monopolistic competition, the demand and supply of factors of production, and measures of consumer welfare will be presented. Price discrimination will be described with an analysis of asymmetric information in the commercial loan market.

Textbook and readings:

Robert S. Pindyck and Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, Prentice Hall. As new editions arrive page numbers below assigned in this book may be changed.
Robert Auerbach, "Has Computer Trading Made the Stock Market a 'Crapshoot'? Found at on-line at Huffington Post:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-auerbach
Robert Auerbach, "The Social Security Lock Box Hoax and the National Debt." Found at on-line at Huffington Post:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-auerbach
Robert Auerbach, "Does the Stimulus Stimulate?" Found at on-line at Huffington Post:   http://www.huffingtonpost.com/robert-auerbach

Additional readings will be supplied.